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The Purnaa Team

Fashion Revolution 2023

Updated: May 20, 2024

This week (April 23-29, 2023) is Fashion Revolution! Each year, during this week, companies and individuals all around the world take a stand for more equitable treatment for garment manufacturing workers and more environmentally sustainable industry practices. Fashion Revolution is a movement that seeks to "educate and inspire our global community on the real value of what we buy and wear."

This year, Fashion Revolution is focusing on just and equitable treatment of workers in the fashion industry, which is something we care deeply about at Purnaa. This year we're highlighting workers across the supply chain, not just those that make clothing but also fabric and other textile-based accessories (including toys pictured above). Fashion Revolutions is highlighting the unique cultures of the many workers who bring beautiful products to life by encouraging "I made your Clothes" signs to be written in the worker's native languages.

Why it Started

Fashion Revolution started after the Rana Plaza complex collapsed in Bangladesh in 2013, killing over 1,100 people. This elevated the conversation around the need for transparency in supply chains and how consumers can affect change. Since 2013 Fashion Revolution has become the world's largest fashion activism movement, which focuses on mobilizing individuals, brands, and companies to transform the garment manufacturing system through research, education, collaboration, and advocacy.

Ways You Can Get Involved in Fashion Revolution

We would like to see everyone become involved in the Fashion Revolution, whether you are a producer, retailer, or consumer. We encourage you to ask the question, “Who made my clothes?” and "What's in my clothes?" Change starts to happen when people become aware of an issue and seek to find more information about it.

Post on Social Media during Fashion Revolution Week

Take a picture showing the label of your clothes, tag the brand that made them and use social media or email to ask the brand #WhoMadeMyClothes or #WhatsInMyClothes?

Write a Policymaker or Brand

Check out the resources at Fashion Revolution's Homepage page for some templates you can use to e-mail a policymaker or a brand or write a review of a product on their website to encourage them to operate with transparency.

Host an Event

During Fashion Revolution Week there are events all around the world raising awareness about the issue. Find out if there is an event near you and attend. If there isn't one, download this resource pack about how to host your own event.

Teach Others

Discuss this issue with your friends. If you're in education, consider bringing the topic into your classroom. Check out these fun and educational downloadable classroom board games about the fashion industry and supply chains.

Join Us in Becoming a Fashion Revolutionary

Currently, there is a lack of understanding and appreciation of the true cost of clothing. Price tags fail to reflect the social and environmental cost of production. We need to scrutinize what it is we’re really paying for. Throughout Fashion Revolution Week, together we can educate and inspire our global community on the real value of what we buy and wear.

For more information about how Purnaa is putting these principles into practice, check out the blog posts below.


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