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The Purnaa Team

Custom Print Gear is a Great Fit for Schools

Purnaa custom print gear is merchandise that can be used for organizations, events, conferences, or even schools. One of our recent customers, Kevin Ewing from Community Prep School in Colorado, USA, shared with us how his school is using CPG products.

Can you tell us a bit about your school?

Community Prep School is a public charter school for at-risk high school students–the majority of which have experienced significant trauma in their lives. Substance abuse, broken families, incarceration, etc. Our mission statement is “To respect each individual, cultivate authentic passions, and activate purposeful plans for life.”

Nepali sewer working in an ethical manufacturing facility

How did you hear about Purnaa?

From Corban Bryant [one of Purnaa’s owners] at a men’s fellowship group meeting that his father Larry attends here in Colorado Springs.

Why did you choose to work with us?

The mission of Purnaa; to provide world-class, ethical manufacturing that empowers marginalized people and survivors of exploitation to fresh starts and fulfilled lives.

What product did you order and how are you using it?

500 beanies–giving them to staff as a gift and to students for various reasons–reward, motivation, and completing some school requirements. We are still processing this.

Are you satisfied with your finished products?

Definitely, the folks we have given them to all have great things to say about them. One of the most common statements is that “it doesn’t make my head itch.” So true! I love that about it. The material keeps your head warm in cold weather, is cool enough to wear indoors, and I often forget I even have it on my head. We have had unseasonably warm weather in Colorado this winter, but I have worn my beanie every chance I get! Thanks to your Danphe team for giving us a fine quality product at a great price.

Student in Colorado, dignified employment being put to work

What would you tell other schools about your experience working with Purnaa?

What a great idea to get students at your school to think about global issues and how some businesses are meeting the fundamental needs of others who are in very difficult circumstances. The Purnaa mission/products are a meaningful rallying point around which you can provide students a tangible connection between cultures of the east and west, comparing and contrasting the challenges each of the societies face and developing mindfulness of the “service” piece of their existence on planet earth.

Custom Print Gear is a Great Fit for Schools56Print Gear is a Great Fit for Schools56proud of the impact of our manufacturing but also of the impact of the goods after they leave our facility. When using Custom Print Gear from Purnaa, you can be proud of where your product came from, and where it is going. Check out our Custom Print Gear page and submit your design for printing!


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